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Only ~$48 has been spent on this project. The money will be reimbursed from the 'EV Club' funds. As a whole, the team was given $1500 to fund the project. The requirement was for this portion of the project to cost less than $150, so it only ended up costing 32% of the allowed amount. It is worth noting that the project could have costed approximately $35 less had the design not changed partway through the construction phase.


Due to the club funds arriving late (the week of February 18th to February 22nd of 2019), the project fell behind schedule. However, it was still able to get done in time. Almost all of the construction got crammed into the final week of the Winter Quarter because of the delay in receiving the funds. During the Spring Quarter, all testing was done on time with no setbacks. 

Gantt 1st Half.PNG
Gannt 2nd Half.PNG
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